Thursday, December 30, 2010

WalMart's Fighting Hunger--in Fresno

This a a guest editorial by KMJ radio host and personality Chris Daniel:

An open letter from Chris Daniel to Salt Lake City...

by KMJNOW on Tuesday, 28 December 2010 at 12:40

For all of our lives, and those of the past 4 generations, Fresno and the surrounding San Joaquin Valley have fed this country. Your fruit, your grapes and raisins, your peaches, plums and nectarines. Most of your citrus. All of your almonds and walnuts. A large majority of your dairy. Even a great deal of your cotton and meats.

How was that tangerine in your Christmas stocking? Fresno grown, I'll bet.

Fresno feeds America...but America just makes it a punchline and wonders if there's a beach.

Now, with EPA-created drought, Sacramento ineptitude and a crushing business climate (with regulations galore no Utahan would tolerate), Fresno finally needs food for herself. Neighboring city Mendota has 44% unemployment. FORTY-FOUR percent. Fresno's food banks are bare.

I know it's hard to believe that America's #1 food producing area needs food. But we truly do. That's 2011 America.

It is wonderful that you want to support your excellent city's hungry people. But, before you vote for Salt Lake, please consider this:

Fresno has always fed you. Now Fresno needs food. I hope you'll step up for all of the years you shared her bounty and vote for Fresno.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Coming Soon: Halloween Candy Buyback!

Dear Moms and Dads,

Halloween is coming, and normally it's hard for your dentist to get excited about that day because of all the candy your kids will eat. However, this year will be different. Don't you just wish that on the day after Halloween that your kids' sacks full of candy would just disappear? Well we can help, and this is something we are very excited about! This year we'll buy the candy back from your kids. We're not kidding! Sure, they can have a few treats on Halloween night and maybe even keep a couple more for later in the week. But we'll take the rest of it and pay them for it! The candy will be shipped overseas through Operation Gratitude to our courageous troops (who could sure use a treat or two!) serving our country abroad . In return, we'll give your kids $1 per pound of donated candy and a goody bag! If they create a card or letter to send to our troops, they'll be entered in a special contest for an I-tunes gift card. Also if you "Guess the Total Candy Weight" correctly, you could win an I-Pod Shuffle!

Global sugar consumption for kids increases by about 2% annually and currently sits at 50 million tons per year, which means parents need to be very watchful now more than ever before. Too much candy can lead to hyperactivity and weight gain, as well as cavities or worse. In some cases, the wrong types of candy can also lead to broken teeth and damaged braces.

Kids can still dress up, go out, have fun, and yes, even eat some candy. But after picking out the best of their stash, they will probably have about 10 pounds left, and nobody needs that much candy!

Bring your kids and your candy to 2630 N. Fresno St. #101, Fresno CA 93703 on November 1st between 4 pm and 6pm (559-226-3010) and please spread the word!


Treva D. Lee, DDS,

Master of the Academy of General Dentistry

P.S., If you'd like to donate any promotional items to include in the kid's goody bags, or help defray the shipping costs to Operation Gratitude, that would be terrific!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Form Letter Email Response from "My" Representative

Now I really don't feel like part of the political process. Yes, I'm venting. "Write your representative, express your opinion. Your thoughts count (...only if they are congruent with the politician's interests)! Let them be your voice." Uh huh, below I have what Senator Boxer's aides have emailed me in response to my efforts to communicate regarding an issue I am concerned about:

Dear Dr. Dds:

Thank you for taking the time to write and share your views with me. Your comments will help me continue to represent you and other Californians to the best of my ability. Be assured that I will keep your views in mind as the Senate considers legislation on this or similar issues.

If you would like additional information about my work in the U.S. Senate, I invite you to visit my website, From this site, you can send a message to me about current events or pending legislation, access my statements and press releases, request copies of legislation and government reports, and receive detailed information about the many services that I am privileged to provide for my constituents. You may also wish to visit to track current and past federal legislation.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate hearing from you.Barbara BoxerUnited States SenatorPlease do not respond to this message. If you would like to comment on legislation, please visit my website and use the correspondence form at

Blah, blah, blah. For starters, they couldn't even mail merge my name onto the salutation correctly. Who's "Dear Dr. Dds"??? No mention whatsoever regarding the nature of my views or comments. To tell you the truth, with no reference like a bill designation, I don't have a clue either as to what issue I'd written to her about! How is she supposed to represent me if she doesn't even acknowledge what I was concerned about in the first place? Two-thirds of the brief boilerplate email is all about her....doesn't that just seem to be wrong? Serving in public office should not be all-about-you, it should be all about your constituency.

And she thinks she's in touch with the public?I'm trying to do my civic duty, how about she do her's and represent ME!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Invisalign Orthodontics Can Improve Oral Health and Your Appearance Too!

Invisalign® Can Work for You AND Improve Your Oral Health!

The hygienic benefits of Invisalign®

It’s removable for good hygiene.
You can brush and floss normally, which can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Healthier gums.

Properly positioned teeth are easier to brush and floss than teeth that are crowded, crooked, or spaced too far apart. Research has shown that periodontal tissue health may improve after Invisalign® treatment reducing the risk of periodontitis and gingivitis. 1

You can still eat when you want.
Because the aligners are removable and should be removed when you eat, you don’t have to worry about what you eat.

Cleanings are quicker and easier than with traditional orthodontics. There are no brackets or wires to clean around as with traditional orthodontics.

Recognizing October as National Hygiene Month
Treva Diane Lee, DDS, MAGD will offer

FREE Invisalign® Consultation
Complimentary Whitening with Invisalign® Treatment
$500 off All New Treatments Started Now & Through October
(With $500 down payment)
(O% interest-0%finance charge payment plans available,O.A.C
Call now 559-921-4693
For more information about Invisalign visit:

See how Invisalign can give you the best opportunity to have a healthy smile not just at the end of treatment, but during treatment.
Offer Expires October 31, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Smarter Living event with your BBB at the Sierra Vista Mall

Come on out to this great event where you as the consumer will be able to learn about all the great programs and businesses available to you! As a Better Business Bureau accredited business, Dr. Lee ensures that her patients and clients will be taken care of according to a very high standard of ethical business practices.
She will have a table-booth where you can enter a drawing to win an MP3 player, backpack of back-t0-school supplies, or a bottle of wine. So stop by her booth and pickup some treat tips and information. She'll have some great specials on teeth whitening and "invisible braces". See you this Saturday the 14th from 10 am to 3pm!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Does the Clovis Rodeo Have to Do With Your Dental Insurance Benefits?



Howdy Partner!


Last weekend in April around these here parts, means the Clovis Rodeo will be in town. So do all you Cowgirls and Cowboys have those pearly whites all nice and clean to flash at one another at the Hoe-down on Saturday night?


If not, you'd better saddle-up and giddy-up your pony on over to the dentist soon! 'Cuz if you have dental insurance and haven't had your 1st cleaning & exam before the month of June rolls around, you'll lose out on your already-paid benefit for the 2nd cleaning & exam in a calendar year (if insurance only allows cleaning every 6 months, you'll never get those benefits paid out before the end of the year)!!




See? that's different than plans that allow those continuing care appointments twice a year.

Every 6 months not the same thing as twice a year.!


So if y'all and your family need a good dental home, call Dr. Treva Diane Lee's office now 559-226-3010 and reserve some time. For a new first-time patient special offer, go to




Treva D. Lee, DDS, MAGD

I help people of all ages have healthy attractive smiles!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Stupid Tax

Again, I can't take credit for writing this blog, and I don't know who did...

The Stupid Tax

When he spoke the room grew quiet. What he said next gave the entire assemblage one of the biggest ah-ha's of the entire conference. First, he related how he had tried to go it alone and how much he had spent. It was nearly fifty thousand a month promoting his business. His tone foreshadowed his next words.

"I had been paying the stupid tax month in and month out because I thought I could go it alone. Yet when I finally did get the advice and consulting I needed, my promotion spend dropped to twenty-five thousand a month with better results."

John's admission created more than a little buzz in the room as each member of the crowd reflected on his own life and the stupid tax he had paid on more than one occasion.

For the throng, it was one of those unexpected learning moments - a treasure that made the entire day worthwhile all by itself.

How many forms of the stupid tax have you seen others pay? Have you paid yourself?

First, the definition of stupid tax: the money, time, energy or effort you paid or lost needlessly.

The stupid tax is an error that costs you that didn't have to.

Patients pay this toll repeatedly - waiting until the problems are so bad that the time, energy and expense to repair them mount to thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.

The tax is paid when one keeps doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

The tax is levied against one when one fails to act when one knows one should.

The tax is extracted from one's bank account when one tries to go it alone when one is not an expert in a field when one needs an expert.

This "unnecessary fee" is paid when one fails to implement what works.

The tax comes due when one tries to go cheap when one shouldn't.

The tax gets paid when patience is required and impatience reigns.

The tax is paid when one doesn't nurture one's leads and doesn't continue to communicate with both leads and existing patients.

The stupid tax is life's way of teaching us lessons - hopefully only once instead of several times over.

Do you know someone who is paying one now? Can you help them?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Alzheimer's Awareness Walk

It's coming soon. Senior Living Network, to which yours truly belongs to, is organizing the annual Alzheimer's Awareness Walk on March 20th, 2010 at Woodward Park. The Facebook link (or click on title of this blog entry) should also have a registration form available for your to print out and get registered! Teams of 4 are just $50. T-shirts and goody bag for every entrant!

5K race, 2k run/walk, kids race. Benefits three LOCAL organizations: Alzheimer's foundation, Valley Caregiver Resource Center - Oasis, UCSF Alzheimer's & Memory Research
. This is not affiliated with the "memory" walk that takes place in the Fall and takes donation money out of the Valley. Should be great weather, so come on out and join us. C'mon, you know you need to "move your body"...!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Rogue Fresno Is coming

Fresno's own "fringe"festival celebrating a variety of arts is coming soon! All different types of independent performers, groups, and exhibits will be featured!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It’s the All “Saints” Springtime Special

In honor of the New Orleans' Saints victory in the Super Bowl,

we feature two saints of importance: Saint Valentine and

Saint Patrick for our special seasonal offer…

Want a Whiter, More Youthful-Looking Smile?

We have two great programs that many of our patients have

had great results with: Zoom! in-office whitening (as seen on

"Extreme Makeover" TV show) which in about an hour's

treatment time gets your teeth 4 to 6 shades lighter using the

special gel and unique visible light spectrum light.

Or, our Whitening for Life™ take-home system where you may

be eligible for free whitening touch-up gel for as long as you

are a patient of Dr. Treva D. Lee.

Plus, for a limited time only, have your smile brightened and we'll give you a gift certificate for the same whitening treatment that you can give a friend or loved one. Call Jessica at 559-921-4692 to schedule now and tell her you want the "Saints-Whitening-Special"!

Hurry! This special only lasts until March 19th!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Free Annual Sealant and Dental Care Clinic for Kids

It's B-a-a-a-a-c-k!

SOS:Seal & Save Our Smiles Clinic, Free Dental Care!









For students in kindergarten – 6th grade who attend

Fresno, Central and Clovis Unified School Districts


  • Dental Exams, Sealants, Cleanings, Fluoride Treatment, and Screening for restorative care at Fresno City College Dental Hygiene Clinic
  • Crowns, White and Silver Fillings, Extractions and more off campus in a private dental office
  • All provided by local dental providers at no cost!


Effective Jan. 1, 2007 AB 1433 went into effect requiring all children must have a dental exam before their first year in public school.

Please Note: Services will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. Comprehensive treatment will not be available.


WHEN: Saturday, February 27th, 2010

9:00 am – 12:00 pm at FCC Dental Hygiene Clinic

9:00am – 1:00pm at dental office (location to be determined)


WHERE: Fresno City College Dental Hygiene Clinic

Health Science Building

Corner of Weldon/Glenn

1101 E. University Ave.

Fresno, CA 93741

    Private dental office (location to be determined)


Educational Booths will be available as well as nterpreters.


For More Information, call the Fresno-Madera Dental Society, 438-7284.

(Posted by Dr. Treva D. Lee, 226-3010,